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搜索结果: 16-30 共查到仪器科学与技术 Sensors相关记录56条 . 查询时间(0.275 秒)
As the recent disaster is so difficult to predict when and where it would hit, so it requires paradigm for disaster shifts from response to preparedness. In order to respond this change, NDMI has stud...
As the recent disaster is so difficult to predict when and where it would hit, so it requires paradigm for disaster shifts from response to preparedness. In order to respond this change, NDMI has stud...
This conference considers new ideas, technologies, and potential applications across a wide range of disciplines critical to nano-, bio-, and info-technologies based sensors and systems as applied to ...
2017 2nd International Conference on Frontiers of Sensors Technologies (ICFST 2017) will take place on April 14-16, 2017 in Shenzhen, China. It is sponsored by IEEE, and hosted by Shenzhen University...
近日,《2016年中国学术期刊国际引证年报》在京发布,电子科技大学主办的《Photonic Sensors》荣获“2016中国最具国际影响力学术期刊”,获得业内权威机构的认可。“中国最具国际影响力学术期刊”是根据总他引频次和他引影响因子等指标对中国的学术期刊进行排名评选而出的。4004种中国科技期刊中排名前5%的期刊可入选“2016中国最具国际影响力学术期刊”。此奖项和年报由《中国学术期刊(光盘版...
We present details of the calibration and validation procedure of UltraCam Aerial Camera systems. Results from the laboratory calibration and from validation flights are presented for both, the large ...
It is an oft-stated statistic that 95% of the ocean is unexplored, but this number does not expose the full extent of our ignorance about the largest ecosystem on the planet—first because it refers to...
We evaluate how well the performance of the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) can be maintained against thermally induced errors during a night of observation. We first demonstrate that using look-u...
An assessment of the spectral discrimination between different vine varieties was undertaken using non-destructive remote sensing observations at the véraison period. During concurrent satellite, ae...
MIT chemists have developed new nanoparticles that can simultaneously perform magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and fluorescent imaging in living animals. Such particles could help scientists to track ...
An independent means of 3D image quality assessment is introduced, addressing non-professional users of sensors and freeware, which is largely characterized as closed-sourced and by the absence of qua...
Recently, development of high performance CPU, cameras and other sensors on mobile devises have been used for wide variety of applications. Most of the applications require self-localization of the mo...
The current state of location-based services provides spatial information delivery for mobile users based on position data taken from GPS sensors. However, sometimes the spatial information delivery s...
Fundamentals and Physics, such as: classification of effects, physical effects, measurement theory, modelling of sensors, measurement standards, measurement errors, units and constants, time and frequ...
A fault processing policy was proposed for the circumstance under which all the dual-redundant closed-loop feedback control sensors went wrong. This policy was based on dual-redundant control law and ...









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